english story (last para


last para of story

My eyes were burning and my head pounded when i was woken by a deafending banging noise. Still out of focus, I stumbled over to my white-painted front door, as i realised it was coming from there. Standing there was a woman whose once familar face I hardly recognised. My stomach began to twist and churn its contents as I registered who was standing on my doorstep. Desperatly, I tried to calm my palpitating heart. She had sand-hair which curled perfectly around her structured face. Her turquiose eyes were drowning in her own tears. I noticed the earlier storm had cleared to reveal a smiling blue sky which was covered in streaks of pink sunlight. As I inhaled, the relaxing smell of freshly cut grass filled my nostils and my ears were soothed by the sound of birds in the near by hedges. Without even thinking, I reached out to squeeze her tight and made a promise to never let her go again.As our ears touched i whispered, 'i've missed you Lucy, as I invited her inside for a drink.' 

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