Demographic Transition Model.

This set of cards include the revision on the DTM and all of it's 5 stages. It outlines the simple features of each stage indiviually and has colours which highlights the important parts within the explanation.  Enjoy!! (:


The Demographic Transition Model.

This model explains birth and death rate patterns across the world. It includes a country's development and shows the link between demographic and economic changes.

DTM stands for Demographic Transition Model.

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Stage 1.

There is high fluctuation between birth and death rate, little development in medicine, low life expectancy, bad health care and hygiene and no contraception.

e.g/ Traditional Rainforest Tribes.

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Stage 2.

The key changes is a decrease in death rate. Obvious improvements in medicine and hygiene that cures some diseases and prevents others. Life expectancy increases as death rate decreases the natural increase goes up. Birth rate stays high as children are needed to work on the land and produce food crops.

e.g/ Afghanistan, Egypt, Kenya.

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Stage 3.

The death rate continues to fall but slower than before. Birth rate also decreases rapidly due to contraception made available and economic changes which leads to people benefitting from smaller families. Education improves and children up to age 12 have to be in full time education.

e.g/ Thailand, China, Indonesia.

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Stage 4.

Birth and death rate are both low and so both fluctuate. The economy is growing and people have jobs and earn good livings. The population is steady and quite high. There is low fluctuation because of the higher wages families can afford more children.

e.g/ USA, France, UK.

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Stage 5.

Death rate rises due to the population including more elderly people. Birth rate decreases because the economy discourages big families. Women emancipation is stopping as women are having more careers and are so postponing child birth.

e.g/ Germany, Italy, Spain.

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Mr. Pittaway


You cover each section well, however, there are no countries in Stage One...maybe some of the primitive tribal people in the Amazon Rainforest... but not the countries you have listed...

Grace Dunham


better Mr Pittaway?

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