defining abnormality


The deviation from the ideal mental health

ambigious. there is said to be certain levels of criteria that can be followed e.g postive self image, self esteem and social interactions

Rosenhann and Seligman looked at defining it as pointing towards a illness rather than the abnormality

e.g. unconventional behaviour, unpredictability, loss of control, suffering, unconventional behaviour

Jahoda was also said to attempt a way to define abnormality. 1989 she suggested that a failure to meet this criteria would lead to a mental illness

postive self worth, attitudes towards one self, an accurate perception of reality, independent, ability to love, self actaulisation reaching the potential

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deviation from the social norms

those that dont abide to the socially constructed norms may be reffered to as being abnormal e.g. drinking above the recomended limit, talking to one self

the abnormalities may actually indicate disorder e.g. OCD- these behaviours are not seen as normal to society

however, if someone doesnt follow societies norms such as getting a job, this doesnt necessarily indicate psychological disorder

it is hard to judge someone as abnormal if it is acceptable to break the norms

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Failure to function adequately

hold down a job, live a normal life, interaction or maintain a relationship this could be according to Rosenhan be abnormal- this doesnt mean mentally ill

this could be due to lack of education, money

however it can often be linked e.g. addiction meaning no money no job etc or depression when someone cannot take care of themselves and not interact with others due to the lethargy with the illness

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Statistical infrequency

any behaviour that is shown less often than the norma amount of society

depression is one of the most common disorders e.g. 4.7m people.

is this still infrequent to be classifed as abnormal

however to be abnormal doens actually mean that there needs to be a diagnosis of a disorder

e.g. highly gifted in sport, art or IQ may be abnormal on a deviation curve however does this mean that they are abnormal with a psychological disorder

all the 4 defintions are by rosenhan and seligman- not saying every criteria would have to be fullfilled

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