criticisms of non fatals



  • This area of law is in need of reform
  • Recommendations have been made by the criminal law revision committee and the law commission
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Not Codified

  • NFAs are not completely codified
  • OAPA 1861 was meant to make them codified but this aim has not been achieved
  • Assault and battery is in the CJA
  • ABH, GBH, wounding are OAPA
  • This is a problem as they are uncodified and not held together in the same act
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Rag Bag

  • JC Smith described the OAPA as a rag bag of offences
  • Even when OAPA was passed it was out of date, now over 150 years
  • Language used is often archaic eg- actual, grievous, malicious
  • assault and battery mean a different thing to the layperson
  • This can confuse juries as they have to determine what it means
  • LCR stated that laymen should not be put to the trouble of understanding these mysteries
  • Maliciously- s18- intention s20- intention or recklessness
  • If jurors do not understand language this breaches the d's right to a fair trial
  • definition of wound in eisenhower and moriarty are too wide
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Constructive intent

  • s47 and s20
  • People are guilty for the outcome rather than what they intend
  • Goes against the principle that people can only be guilty for what they foresee
  • The MR of ABH is assault or battery, not ABH
  • LCR states that it is unjust to punish people for the results of their conduct that is neither intended nor foresaw.
  • 2014 consultation paper- in many offences there is a lack of correspondence between the external elements of the offence and the required mental element.
  • D can be held liable for results that are more severe than what D foresaw
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Hierarchy of sentences

  • Assault- 6 month
  • ABH - 5 years
  • s20 - 5 years
  • s18 - life
  • There is a potential for overlap
  • There is a jump from one offence to another
  • It is accepted that maxiumum sentence will rarely be imposed, but it is unfair that maximum for s20 and s47 are the same
  • CMV Clarkson - this is a serious distortion of the relative seriousness of the offences
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Cases and statute

  • Even basic offences elements such as actual and grievous bodily harm have to be expressed via case law
  • Unsatisfactory as cases can be appealed to the CA and SC
  • Little certainty in some situations and this would not be necessary if statute was clearer
  • RvR
  • Merritt and Balfour
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Defence of consent

  • 2014 paper- we live in a free and non paternalist society
  • We have the right to consent
  • However in a free society it is still arguable that citizens should be protected against themselves
  • Lord Templeman- it is an offence for a person to abuse their own body and mind by taking drugs
  • it is further arguable that freedom to harm oneself is undermined when another party is involved
  • Society has a direct interest in limiting the extent to which the person should be allowed to injure others with consent eg. brown and wilson
  • homosexual?
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  • LC draft bill 1993 tried to get rid of archaic language
  • Home office 1998
  • OAPB assault battery ABH and GBH would be assault 7 years, intentional or reckless inury 5 years, reckless serious injury 5 years and intention serious injury life
  • now self evident that there is an unarguable case for codification
  • 2014 law commission said that if reforms were enforced there would be a simplification of law
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