
  • Created by: Tj666
  • Created on: 21-10-21 18:07

What is the burden that women take on ?

 The dual burden - aswell as the triple shift where they have to take care of domestic chores, others emotional stability aswell as planning for quality time in the family.

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Why is the March of Progress view criticised?

Radical Feminists + marxists disagree with the MoP as they believe there is still inequalities between men and women and that they fail to see the downsides of gender scripts.

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How does the personal life perspective affect how

Traditionally the allowance system was used in couples however now the pooling system is mostly used. Although women now have more say on decisions now as they contribute to the houses finances because of most women going to work today, men still have the final say as to where their money goes as they will still earn more. However in same sex couples they may attach a different meaning of money and split it equally as their are no stereotypical gender scripts present.

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Why do marxists believe that couples arent equal?

They differ to radical feminists as they believe that capitalism is the enemy not men.They believe that men are exploited and alienated at work which causes them to take out their stress on their wives. This allows them to have some sort of control at home where they don't at work. Women are the 'takers of ****'

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What dont radical feminists explain?

Same sex couple violence or why wives domestically abuse their husbands.

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What were the two roles that Parsons identified?

The expressive role - nurturer, normally the mother/ wife

The instrumental role - breadwinner, normally father/ husband

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Who shared the MoP view?

Bott and Young & Willmott

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What is the cultural explanation for the DoL?

Society is built on patriarchal views where certain gender scripts led to sextyping women into being the nurturer who also took on the domestic chores of the house. This is why couples are not equal as their will always be an expectation of women to be the experssive role whereas men will be seen as the instrumental role of breadwinner and does not need to do any chores for the house.

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What was Young and Wllmott's Mop view?

That the family was symmetrical and gradually becoming more equal now as women go out to work and nem now take care of childcare and domestic chores.

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