
  • Created by: lilyodell
  • Created on: 19-04-18 11:15

joint & segregated conjugal roles

joint roles = where both man and women in the family share roles, for example both sahre childcare, responsibility for paid work and house chores

segregated conjugal roles = very traditional, man= the bread winner, women= housewife

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instrumental & expressive roles

intrumental role= male goes to work 'breadwinner'

expressive role= women stays at home cooks, cleans and does the childcare

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symmetrical family

reasons for the rise of the symmetrical family:

1. changes of womens postition = married women are now in paid jobs 

2. geographically mobile= couples are now able to move away from the area they grew up in 

3. new technology = labour saving devices

4. better standards of living= there is now better knowledge of health

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impact of paid work

there is gradually an increase in equality between men and women, E.g:


suggested that wives who work do less housework

no work they do 83% housework

full time they do 73% housework 

even though there is a decrease of women doing housework they are still doing over half the housework compared to the men

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feminists view on housework

feminists argue that women still do housework and the gap between men and women is still unequal

Oakley- suggested that the men making breakfast once a week doesnt count as symmetry

she found that only 15% of husbands participated with the housework

she found that only 25% of husbands participarted with the childcare 

the men would only be looking after the children if they were playing with them and having fun and then the women would take over after she has done all the housework 

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march of progress view

we are moving to equality, women are going in to paid jobs and men doing more domestic labour

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dual burden & triple shift

dual burden = paid work and un paid work 

morris - suggested that even though women go out to work and the men are at home they still do not do any houework, the men are not changing their roles.

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gender division of labour; cultural&material expla

cultural explanation= society expects women to perform domestic labour and are socialised into this norm from a young age

material explanation= women earn less money than men which means it is economically beneficial for the women to stay at home and do the housework and childcare while the man as the breadwinner brings the bigger proportion home

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money management

pahl & vogler

pooling = both parents have a joint bank account

allowence system= as the man is the breadwinner he gives out an allowence to the wife who thwen spends it on the familys needs

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decision making ; cultural&material explanations

decision making:

pahl & vogler found that even tohugh there was pooling the men still made the major financial decisions.

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meaning of money; personal life perspective

meaning of money: 

pahl says that pooling money doesnt show equality 

he says that if a man esrns more money than the women but sitll put he same amount of money in the joint account then this is not equality.

personal life perspective:

smart found that same sex couples had greater freedom, as they dont see money asa sense of power

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domestic violence


-99% of all incidents are committed by men 

- 1 in 4 women have been assulted 

- 1 in 8 repeatedly 

radical feminists explanation

-dobash and dobash

 they interview people in a refugee camp.

-domestic violence is evidence of patriachy 

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domestic violence


-99% of all incidents are committed by men 

- 1 in 4 women have been assulted 

- 1 in 8 repeatedly 

radical feminists explanation

-dobash and dobash

 they interview people in a refugee camp.

-domestic violence is evidence of patriachy 

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