Cogition and Lanuage theoriest

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 23-04-14 09:31

Jean Piaget

  • His thoery is based on cogniive development and morals devleopment
  • Trial his ideas on his children - 3 mountains experiement
  • He believed that children learnt from their own thoughts accordin to their experiences they have. this is called Constructivst approach
  • He believed that children development 'schemans' this is repated actions or a specific way of doing something.

Sensorimotor- 0-2 years

Pre-Operational- 2-7 years

Concerte Operitonal- 7-11 years

Formal Operitional- 11-15 years

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Object permanece

Piaget tested this, this is where a baby will think an obejct does not exist just becuase they cannot see it if it is taken away E.G. peek-a-boo game. Babies will develop from about 8 months that an object is still there just covered.

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General Symbolic Function

Uses words to repersent objects. May uses an object to reperesnt something else E.G. a twig to repersent a toy gum. Langauge development

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This is where children only see things from their own perspective. He designed many test and the 'mountains' test was one of his most famous test. Children were given different pictures to look at but they only see one perspective.

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This is when children find it difficult to understand that things remain the same E.G. a long beaker and a short fat beaker which contain the same amount of water, the children think they have different amouts of water.

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This is where children will sort objects by attributes E.G. colour and size. They can only do one at a time, this is why conseration is difficult.

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This is where children are believing that objects have a feeling as well as them E.G. the table is naughty as it hurt me.

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Lev Vygotsky

  • Believed that children logic was develop though experiences. He fourced on the role of adults play and other children, these experiences where important so he created the zone of promital development.

the zone of promital development:

  • He showed the gap between what children can currently do and what they might be able to achieve if an adult helps, E.G. learning to tie a shoe lace
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  • Linked to vygotsky, Bruner stressed the soical aspect of learnng.
  • Role of aadults is important
  • Use the term 'saffolding' to explain the role of childen's devleoment and childrens thiniing. the adults will help the child to acquire.

He had 3 models of thinking:

Enative- learning takes place becuase of physical movements

Iconic- thoughts are developed as metnal images

Symbolic- symbols inculding laguage are used in thinking.

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Noam Chomsky

  • Language is based on the idea that our ability to learn language isan istinct
  • Believed we have a LAD (lanuage acquistion device) a structure in our brains that allows babies to absorb the langauge they are hearing. The brain then analyes the lanuage.
  • Babies follow the same pattern
  • If children dont get to learn language until the first 10 years then they will not learn to speak.
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Chris Athey

  • links to piaget's theory.
  • suggested that schema's devleopment from actions and experiences and devlop them to make sense of the world.
  • Identified schemas children used.

Sensorimotor- 0-2 years- begin to use symbols,

Pre-Operational- 2-7 years- uses symbols in play, animism, cannot conserve

Concerte Operitonal- 7-11 years- can conserve, can solve mental problmes using support such as counters

Formal Operitional- 11-15 years- can manipulate ideas and think abstractly, start of deductive logic

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Thank you, this it has been really helpful :) 

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