Child Language Acquisition


Stage 1- pre birth

-Able to recognise native language

-Able to recognise mothers voice

-Mehler discovered that babies as young as 4 days old could recognise french from other languages (they sucked their dummies harder)

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Stage 2- crying (0-2 months)

-Express self by crying

-Different types of cry

-Crying helps the baby to learn how to control their airstream.

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Stage 3- cooing and laughing (2-5 months)

-Able to make open mouth vowel sounds e.g coo

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Stage 4- vocal play (5-8 months)

-Experiment with different vocal sounds

-Vowels and consonants

-Change pitch to express feelings

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Stage 5- Babbling (6-12 months)

-Child starts to make noises resembling adult language.

-Repeat sounds (reduplications)

-Add extra syllbales (additions)

-Variegated Babbling- excersise mouth and tongue

-Phonemic expansion- reduction in phonemes

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12 months+

-Utterences rather than questions

-Ignore what speakers say

-Use language for social interactions

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Holophrastic Stage (12-18 months)

-Holophrases are utterences as a simple naming device

-single word utterences-one word stage

-60% of a childs first words will be concrete nouns

-Katherine Nelson discovered these are usually hand held objects.

-underextension- restricts meaning and application of word

-overextension- using the word Dog to refer to all four legged animals.

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Two word stage (18-24 months)

-Begin to put words together

-Most utterences consist of two words e.g more juice

-Most sentences are grammatically correct

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Telegraphic Stage (24-36 months)

Utterences are 2-5 words in length

-Described as telegraphic due to the similarity to telegrams

-Contain key content words (nouns and verbs) but omit function words and determiners

-Start to acquire questions

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Pre-school age (36-60 months)

-Function words begin to appear more clearly

-Sentences with more than one clause start to appear and coordinating conjunctions are used

-There is still non-fluency

-Negatives are used e.g can't


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