Chemistry GCSE unit 2 principle of chemistry B

Chemistry GCSE unit 2 principle of chemistry B

  • Created by: jesper
  • Created on: 18-03-12 08:25

Types of chemical bonds

Ionic = Metal + Non-metal

Covalent = Non metal + Non-metal (Gaint molecule or Simple molecule)

Metallic = Metal + Metal

Positive Ions + tend to form by metal as they need to lose electron to become stable.

Negative ions - tend to form non metals as they need to gain a electron.

In order to achieve stability elements will react together to form compounds. Ionic bonding is the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.

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When atoms bond only the outmost shell is involved.

 Covalent bonds are between atoms of non-metal and non-metals. The bonds form when elements share – electrons to become energitacally more stable.

 Convalent subtances can either be solids liquid or gasses.


§  Molecules are far apart

§  Almost no forces of attraction between them.


§  There are forces of attraction between the molecules. In some this attraction is so strong that it makes a solid.e.g ice

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