Chemistry Double Science

Ionic Bonding

  • Created by: Ruby R
  • Created on: 09-03-11 18:26

Ionic Bonding (See your own notes for diagrams!)

  • Ionic compounds are formed when metals react with non-metals.
  • Ionic bonding is when atoms transfer electrons, atoms either lose or gain electrons.
  • Ions formed are held to each other by enormously strong forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions.
  • This electrostatic force of attraction is called the ionic bond.
  • Ionic bonds always produce giant ionic structures.
  • They are in a regular lattics arrangement.
  • There are very strong chemical bonds between all of the ions.
  • A single crystal of salt is 1 giant ionic lattice.
  • Because of the very strong chemical bonds, they have very high melting and boiling points.
  • When dissolved the ions seperate and are free to move in the solution and so they carry an electric current.
  • When they melt, ions are free to move and carry electric current.
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James Bell


Good, voted it a 3 just need to put more detail in.

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