
Chemistry notes



Empirical formulas

1. Find masses

2. Look up given Ar values.

3. Divide masses by Ar.

4. Find the ratio.


Salt - Sodium Chloride - NaCl - an ionic compound - made of a + ion and a - ion. ACID + BASE -----> SALT + WATER - Hydrochloric acid + Sodium hydroxide ----> Sodium chloride + water

Precipitate - insoluble solid. Precipitation - the removal of particles from a solution.

Soluble - dissolves in liquid, Insoluble - doesn't dissolve in liquid.

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Acids - pH less than 7

Neutral - pH 7

Alkalis - pH above 7

Yield - the amount of a product obtained from a reaction.

Equilibrium - the state in which a chemical reaction proceeds at the same rate as its reverse reaction (the reactants are balanced).

In terms of equilibrium, the increase of pressure encourages the forward reaction which produces fewer molecules, so increases yield of reaction.

Haber Process - 450 degrees - higher temp means higher rate - lower temp increases yield.

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