Chemistry P2 C6 *

Some notes from revision lesson :)


Increasing rate of reaction

High temperature - particles have more energy which means particles move faster = quicker reaction

High concentration - higher number of particles to be able to take part in reaction

Increase pressure - if particles are closer together = will react quicker

Larger surface arealarger area for particles to react together, speeding up reaction

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Collision theory

  • Reactants only take place when particles collide with certain amount of energy
  • Activation energy - minimum amount of energy needed for reaction
  • Rate of reaction depends on:
    • Frequency of collisions in particles
    • Energy with which particles collide
  • If particles collide with less energy than activation energy, they will not react (particles will bounce off each other)
  • Temperature:
    • Higher termperature= faster the rate of reaction
      • Particles have more energy to move, likely to move faster+collide with other particles
      • When particles collide there is more energy:number of successful collisions increasse
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Reversible reaction is in equilibrium when rate of forward reaction = rate of backwards reaction

Exothermic(give out heat) + Endothermic (take in heat)

  • Reversible reaction:
    • if forward reaction is exothermic, backward reaction is endothermic
    • if forward reaction is endothermic, backward reaction is exothermic  
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Le Chateliers Principle

States if change is made to system in dynamic equilibirium, system will react to oppose change until equilibrium is reached

  • Causes position to shift  which changes the relative amount of reactants/products to shift

Changes to reaction systems:

    • Temperature
    • Pressure
    • Concentration
  • Response of reaction system depends on properties of forward/backward reaction
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Changes to Dynamic Equilibrium: Temperature

Increase in temperature:

  • equilibrium shifts to decrease temperature
  • equilibrium shifts in endothermic direction(that takes in heat) 
    • increases the amount of product formed  by endothermic reaction
    • decrease the amount of product fromed by exothermic reaction

Decrease in temperature:

  • equilibrium shifts to increase temperature
  • equilibrium shifts in exothermic direction(that gives out heat)
    • increase amount of product formed by exothermic reaction
    • decrease amount of product formed by endothermic reaction
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Changes to Dynamic Equilibrium: Pressure

Increase in pressure

  • equilibrium shifts to decrease preesure
  • equilibirum shifts in direction of fewest molecules

Decrease in pressure

  • equilibrium shifts to increase pressure
  • equilibrium shifts in direction of most molecules
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Changes to Dynamic Equilibrium: Concentration

Increase in concentration of a substance

  • equilibrium shifts to decrease amount of substance
  • equilibrium shifts to right

Decrease in concentration of a substance

  • equilibirum shifts to increase amount of substance
  • equilibrium shifts to left
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  • Dynamic equilibrium will try to oppose any change placed on it
  • If a reaction that is exothermic from left to right is heated, less product will be made
  • If pressure is decreased, the equilibrium will shift so there are more molecules of gas
  • if concentration of reactant is increased, equilibrium will shift to right causing concentration of product to increase
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