Chem revision y9 t2

  • Created by: 14barryTR
  • Created on: 24-11-16 16:13

Group 1

Reactivity increases down the group 

unstable outer shells with only one electron 

hydrogen, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium caesieum, francium 

alkali metals 

react best with group 7

 Image result for group one reactivity (

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Periodic table

1808 - john dalton - table of elements   

1869 - dimitri mendaleev - periodic table with gaps left - a lot less elements were know at this time. At this point, the table criteria only really worked up untill calcium. the fact that not all atoms  did fit is now explained (partialy) by isotopes.

Image result for mendeleev periodic table ( 

modern table

groups are the colums  and increase in electron shell number

periods are the rows and increase in electron outer shell number

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Group 7 (halogens)

low melting and boiling points

fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine

name comes from the greek for 'salt - forming'.

Image result for halogens

reactivity increases up the group

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Group 0 (noble gases)

least rective elements 

these atoms havea fullouter shell and so have no tendency to gain or lose electrons. 

Image result for noblegases (

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