Cell Structure and Movement of substances into and out of Cells

Questions and answers on the subject "Cell Structure and movement of substances into and out of cells" from the IGCSE Biology syllabus.

  • Created by: H Burton
  • Created on: 15-03-11 13:19


Label this animal cell with the cell membrane, cytoplasm,
nucleus and mitochondrion


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A = Cell membrane
B = Cytoplasm
C = Mitrochondrion
D = Nucleus

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State the fuction of the nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, and mitrochondria 

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Nucleus: The Nucleus contains genetic material, this controlls the activity of the cell
Cell Membrane: controlls what goes in and out of the cell
Cytoplasm: most of the chemical reactions happen here
Mitrochondria: Respiration happens here to release energy

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Lable the Diagram of a typical plant cell with the cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts, cell wall and vacuole


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A = Cell wall
B = Cell Membrane
C = Vaculole
D = Chloroplasts
E = Nucleus
F = Mitochondrion
Blue = Cytoplasm

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State the function of the  cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts, cell wall and vacuole

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Cell Membrane : Controls what comes into and out of the cell
Cytoplasm: Contains green pigment called Chlorophyll, this absorbs light energy for photosynthesis
Nucleus: Controls activites of cell
Cell Wall: Made of cellulose, strengthens the cell and provides support
Vacuole: Filled with cell sap which provides support

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