cell structure


cell membrane

- Has 2 layers

- Is embedded with proteins

- Regulates substance movement

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- Large, round organelle

- Has double membrane

- Has large nuclear pores

- Controls activities of the cell

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- Oval shape

- Double membrane

- Matrix is liquid containing enzymes

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- 2 subunits > 1 large (protein)

                   > 1 small (ribosomal RNA)

- Site of protein synthesis

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- Breaks down unwanted molecules and structures

- Digestive enzymes in a sac

- enzymes kept away from the cell

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golgi body

- Transport and chemically modifies substances

- Produces lysosomes

- Cells involved with secretion

- Stacked membrane bound sacks that are flat

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Endoplasmic recticulum

- Large membrane network

- Rough transports proteins

- Smooth produces and transports lipids

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