Causes of the civil war


  • Created by: Ben
  • Created on: 12-05-12 12:39

Multiple kingdoms

  • C faced the problem of multiple kingdoms with multiple identities
  • his attempt to inforce unity their fore went badly 
  • They were also interlinked-scottish rebellion causing both strentherning of english parliment as well as causing the irish reblion ect 
  • However overall it was c that caused the issues with it. Although it caused the strengtherning of both parlimentary radicals and the king MK was simply a billiard effect. 
  • Parliment benifted cas it allowed for them to talk to the scot covernants and allowed for army plot to cause issues. IR also allowed Pym ect to mainipulate
  • Cahrles benifited as it caused constitutional royalim as a result of the GR and allowed for jhim to become increasing the defendent of fundermental laws'. It defended against the radicals and the possiblity of civil war
  • People were woried as a result of the power parlimet wanted such as the 19 propersitions. 
  • Without CR charles wopuld ahve been able to fight the war and so it actually caused the civi l war in away
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  • Soemtyihng universally agreed by historians is that C was not a helful king and was a key factor.
  • It was his strengths and weakness which caused the alienation of polliticans
  • He was hampered from the start the secound nson of James he was the opposite to his dad but their was no other candidates
  • Henry was a hard act to follow and cxharls was v inferir. His personality was the opposite to what was needed. He was narrow minded and inflexible annd didnt like critisim or obstacle
  • This was clearly seen with his arres of the Five birds. Which allowed for parliment to gain power especially tjhemilitia ordinance.
  • War wasnt wanted and moderates were trying to stop[ it but radicals felt they had to protect their cause and this caused the divioson of the country thier was no middle ground
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  • Rel is created opposition as C was determined to enforce arminiamism laud
  • The scot rebellion or the imposiion if it wasnt for C. He was a main reason
  • But religion acted as a divider between parl and charles 
  • It was a clear souce of division in the root and branch petition
  • Religioun pushed people towards monarch in order to maintain power such as hyde as rffuiens were paid to destro laudist iconography.
  • Radicalism of pym was also worying and parliment acted on their own authority 
  • Charles took the stance of consititutional as he saw the opp against radicals and exploited it. He had 'disregarded' laudism and was appointing moderate calvanists.He appeared less of a threat than Pym ect
  • Although some moved towards royalism it was religious radicalism that meant people still supported parliment,
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