causes and conferences


Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam

T= opening a western front, Stalin to help Japan. Y= formation of UN, reparations and size. P= Germany split into 4 zones, new leaders and tension over the atomic bomb test. 

Causes- WW2, the conferences were held to decide what to do to end and then what to do with Germany and ttemtones after the war. 

Consequences- Free elections were not held (going against the agreement) led to tension and distrust, tensions between Truman and Stalin at the conference continued. Disagreement over the size of reparations led to tension- Stalin. 

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Truman Doctrine

A speech that said that USA would help any country trying to rebuild after WW2 especially if they were resisting communism. 

Causes- USA and Truman believed that the soviet union was trying to spread communism. USA had the atomic bomb and wanted to use it, together with its superior economic strength, put pressure on soviet union and prevent further expansion. Civil war with greece with Britain helping the royalist government to fight communist forces.

Consequences- Rivalry between USA and soviet union ncreased. USA became committed to the policy of containment and far more involved in European affairs. USA decided to provide economic aid to Europe known as Marshall plan. 1947 Stalin set up the Communist Information Bureau, cominform to link communist partied in eastern europe and worldwide in common action. 

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Berlin Airlift/ Blockade

The Berlin Airlift began on 28th june 1948 and lasted for about 10 months. Truman ordered B-29 bombers, capable of carrying atomic bombs to be sent to Britain, Soviet union was now within US bombing range. 

Causes- Truman was determined to stand up to the Soviet Union and show that he was serious about containment. Truman wanted Berlin to be a symbol of freedom behind the Iron Curtain. 

Consequences- Western allies firged ahead by encouraging the economic recovery of their zones, especially in providing a much-needed currency. Western zones recevied large quantities of Marshalll Aid-free elections to establish democracy. Allies agreed to divide both Germany and Berlin into four zones of occupation.

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NATO and Warsaw Pact

NATO exists to protect the freedom and security of its members using both political and military means. Today NATO has 28 member countries. (1948-49)

Warsaw Pact- A military treaty and association, formed in 1955, consisting of the Soviet Union and its Eurpoean satellite states. 


causes- Berlin crisis had confirmed Truman's commitment to western Europe, needed the formal support of USA. 

consequences- Stalin saw NATO as an 'aggressive alliance'. USA decided to make West Germany a member of NATO and allow the nation to remilitarise were seen by Stalin as a direct threat to the Eastern Bloc countires.

Warsaw Pact 

causes- Was  created so members could sign up and gained support if attacked.

consequences- play an important role in the Czechoslovakian crisis of 1968. NATO in the west and the Warsaw Pact in the east - increased rivalry between the USA and the Soviet Union and intensified the arms race. 

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Hungarian uprising

Hungarian Uprising - 20,000 Hungarians were killed-150,000 fled abroad-Nagy was replaced with a pro-soviet Janos Kadar-Communist control re-established-America offered food and medical aid worth $20 million to Hungary and allowed 80,000 refugees to move to the USA

causes-Hungarians were strongly Christian people, but Communists discouraged religious beliefs and penalized the Catholic church (Its leader, Cardinal Minzenty was imprisoned.Rakosi was Hungary's dictator from 1949-56. He was seen as a 'mini Stalin' who dealt ruthlessly with any opposition. His regime imprisoned 387,000 and was responsible for more than 2000 deaths.

consequences- Students and workers in Budapestthe capital of Hungary, held a demonstration.Imre Nagy joined the communist uprising in Hungary, Prime minister in 1953.Nagy accepted all rebels demands, asked USSR to remove troops from Hungary.1st November- Nagy announced that Hungary would leave the Warsaw Pact and become neutral. 4th November- Khrushchev ordered soviet tanks to move into Budapest to put down the uprising

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Berlin Wall

Berlin WallKhrushchev did not like how East Germans were moving from East to West because it made capitalism look better than Communism. Kennedy refused to do anything about it so Khrushchev had the Berlin Wall built 'to keep spies out'. After the Checkpoint Charlie incident, Kennedy said that "a wall is a hell of a lot better than a war".

causes- Emigration from East Berlin to West Berlin to escape communism and live a better life under capitalism. Mostly highly skilled workers and well qualified managers leaving. East Germany could not afford to lose such valuable workers. August 12th 1961, record number 4000 East Germans fled to West Berlin. August 12th 1961, record number 4000 East Germans fled to West Berlin. Pressure on Khrushchev from China and Ulbricht (leader of East Germany). High emigration levels made Communism look bad. Khrushchev was being pushed to do something about it.

consequences- East German soldiers erected a barbed-wire barrier along the entire border between East and West Berlin, completely isolating it. It was later replaced with a concrete wall which was 4 metres high and 11 km long with 300 watch towers and 50 bunkers. Families were divided. Berliners couldn't go to work. Chaos and confusion. Border guards had orders to shoot anybody who tried to cross the wall. 125 people killed trying to cross the wall over 3 decades.

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Cuba Missile Crisis

causes- The arms race-causes fear and suspicion.Creation of NATO-Berlin Blockade. Hungarian uprising. U2 plane shot down. Cuba-Batista pro American, America brought Cuba's supplies, Castro took over Cuba. Castro shut down all American businesses, America retaliated by refusing to buy Cuba's supplies. CASTRO SAID HE WASN'T A COMMUNIST BUT US REACTIONS PUSHED HIM TOWARDS COMMUNISM. Russia agreed to pay Cuba 1960 Russia signed an agreement to buy 1 million tonnes of sugar a year. Castro favours Communism (Cuba is 90 miles from America). Khrushchev was confident over JFK. JFK looks even weaker after the bay of pigs.

consequences-  Castro now becomes Communists. All weapons in Cuba were defensive, they only stopped Americans coming to Cuba from America. JFK realised he didn't want to invade Cuba until the 14/10/62, US spys planes flew over Cuba taking pictures, realising Russians were buildingnuclear missile bases in Cuba. This means that all American cities could be wiped out by nuclear weapons. All American defences were on the East and West, Cuba is on the South. Nuclear weapons were ready in November. As soon as JFK knew about this he got together a committee of advisors; Their options were to bomb Cuba, invade Cuba, air strike against Cuba or blockade Cuba or do nothing.

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Prague Spring

Prague Spring- Series of reforms introduced in Czechoslovakia in Spring 1968 by Alexander Dubcek, first secretary of the communist party. 

Causes- Czechoslovakia was the last country to fall to communism to finalise the iron curtain. It was therefore very much westernised and many people knew of capitalism. A number of reformers including Dubcek challenged Novotny's leadership. 

consequences- since Czechoslovakia was in Eastern Europe, USSR didn't want them to leave the Warsaw Pact, as then their soviet sphere of influence would diminish. Soivet union were under pressure from the Warsaw Pact leaders to stop the reforms in Czechoslovakia, as it would destabilise the spread of communism, this resulted in an invasion.

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Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Causes - USA saw that a soviet-occupied Afghanistan would threaten India and Pakistan and would be a stepping -stone to possible soivet control of much of the West's oil supplies. People's Democratic Part of Afghanistan (PDPA), a communist party, overthrew the governement of Afghanistan.

Consequences - Carter promised military aid to all countries that bordered Afghanistan (Rapid Deployment Force - can intervene at very short notice). Assistance would be given to the Mujahideen who were fighting the USSR.The USA cancelled all shipments of grain to the USSR. All trade with the USSR was stopped completely.US companies selling high-tech equipment in the USSR were banned. USA boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics and held their own 'Liberty Bell Classic' with 60 other countries instead. Carter asked the Senate to delay the passing of SALT 2 - it was never ratified.

Moscow Boycott 1980 - carter threatened to withold funding and remove tax benefits. 

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