Case Studies


Case Studies Keywords

Aim: A statement of what a study is being carried out to find.

Case Study: A research method studying an individual or a small group and gathering in-depth and detailed information using different means.

Qualitative Data: Data involving stories or attitudes.

Quantitative Data: Data that involve numbers and statistics, such as percentages.

Validity: Is when data are real life and not artificial.

Generalisability: Refers to findings of studies and how far they can be said to be true of people other than those that were studied.

Reliability: Refers to whether findings from a study would be found again if the study was repeated.

Objectivity: Refers to research methods, where there is no bias, for example the researcher's own views have not affected the findings. 

Subjectivity: Refers to research methods, where the researcher is somehow affecting the results, perhaps by their interpretation.


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Case Studies Keywords

Aim: A statement of what a study is being carried out to find.

Case Study: A research method studying an individual or a small group and gathering in-depth and detailed information using different means.

Qualitative Data: Data involving stories or attitudes.

Quantitative Data: Data that involve numbers and statistics, such as percentages.

Validity: Is when data are real life and not artificial.

Generalisability: Refers to findings of studies and how far they can be said to be true of people other than those that were studied.

Reliability: Refers to whether findings from a study would be found again if the study was repeated.

Objectivity: Refers to research methods, where there is no bias, for example the researcher's own views have not affected the findings. 

Subjectivity: Refers to research methods, where the researcher is somehow affecting the results, perhaps by their interpretation.


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