Buddhism- three marks of existence


Introduction- three marks of existance

In Buddhism, there are three marks of existnece that was taught by Buddha: Dukkha, Anicca and Annata. One can argue that Annica (impermance) is the most important of the three marks of existence because Annica causes both Dukkh(suffering) and Annata(having no permanent , fixed soul or self). Furthermore, the story of kisa Gotami shows that the experience of impermance can cause suffering. Next, understanding impermance can result in one dramticaly reducing the amount of suffering in one's ife as a great deal of suffering is caused through impermance. Therefore I believe that Anncia is one of the most important of the three marks of existence.

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In conclusion I believe that all the three marks of existance are as equally important as each other as all three marks hep overcome all aspect of suffering the ultimate aim of Buddhism.Dukkha(suffering) contains three types: dukkha dukkha, vipranama dukkha and sankahama dukkha. By understanding suffering occurs in eavry day life you will be able to overcome dukkha dukkha. By understanding annata(impermance) you will be able to overcome viprnama dukkha. Finally by undertanding Annata you will overcome Sankham dukkha. Essentially by understanding all the three marks of existence  you wil overcome suffering and therefore i disagree with the statement.

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Three types of dukka:
duukkha dukkha- suffering in straightfirward form

vipranama dukkha suffering arises because pleasent experiences  dont last for ever

sankhara dukkha - unsatsifaction we experience due to instability

However dukkha can be considereed the most important becasue there is this idea that there is always a general discomfort in life, this is important to buddhism to escape suffering through enlightenment such as annica represents. Dukkha however is more  expict in the suffering of man

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Annatta may also be the mostt important of the three marks because it is the denial of the teaching that there is a soul. 

Buddha challenged the hindu belief of a true self

the buddhist tradition/ belief is that we should avoid attachment to the idea of the idea of a true self

hence reducing suffering

Buddha doesnt cliam there is definately not a self , only that the self we intend to identify is not fixed

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