Britain on the home front

How the two world wars affected the civilians left in Britain. 

  • Created by: Abbi
  • Created on: 06-06-11 13:26


1914 Outbreak of the First World War. Government introduces the Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) 
1915 Lloyd George becomes Minister of Munitions and encouarges the employment of women workers. 
1916 Governement introduces conscription.
1917 Voluntary rationing introduced, Britain only has enough food supply for six weeks due to German U-Boat sinkings.
1918 Women over 30 who are married or householders get the vote. End of WW1. 1920's Young women known as flappers start wearing short skirts and smoke and drink in public places. 
1928 Women over the age of 21 given the vote
1939 Outbreak of the Second World War. Government introduces conscription and compulsory evactuation of school children. 
1940 Government introduces Essential Work Order (EWO.) 
1941 Conscription of women to the work force.
1942 Beveridge Report.     

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Propaganda and Censorship

Propaganda is limited, one sided information used to: 

  • Win supprt of the war effort. 
  • Raise Morale 
  • Make people hate the enemy. 

During the Second World was propaganda was controlled by the Ministry of Information which made it more organised than in the first world war. 

Cencorship is the control of information by the government, used to:

  • Keep information from enemy. 
  • Raise morale.

Censorship was used in all types of media: Newspaper, radio, films and even letters home from soldiers. 

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The Defense of the Realm Act

DORA was started in 1914 to give the government more control to keep order and keep industrial production high. 

  • Lisensing hours were shortened: 2hrs at lunch, 3hrs in the evening. People had less time to get drunk so they were awake and sobre for work.
  • Beer Dilution: People drunk the same amout with less alcohol intake so they were less likey to get drunk, and a greater profit was made. 
  • Censorship was started to control was information the civilans knew. 
  • Rationing was started to make sure there was enough supplies for everyone.
  • Mine and Raliways were controlled by the government. Coal was essential for factories to work and trains were the most efficient transport for moving goods and war supplies arounf the country. The government needed them to be working to full capacity. 
  • British Summer Time (BST) introduced: Clocks moved forward one hour in spring so there were more hours of light for farmers working with crops. 
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