B13.10 screening for genetic disorders - concerns about embryo screening AQA GCSE 9-1

Each slide/card has one aspect of the concerns to do with embryo screening. Advantages and disadvantages are given. Some have only disadvantages. The information in the brackets at the bottom of some of the cards is explanation.

red=negatives (main point)

green=positives (main point)

  • Created by: ZZZ
  • Created on: 13-04-18 16:26


The process of the test done to find out if the child has a genetic disorder can result in a miscarriage.



(the two methods used currently are chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis)

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The screening procedure is becoming more accurate and reliable all the time.

However, they can still sometimes give a false positive or false negative result.

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Even if the screening is done, it is hard to make the decision about whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. 

(the decision is affected by the parents' scientific understanding of the situation, emotions, ethical framework and religious beliefs)

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Screening is expensive. 

However it is also expensive for society to provide health care and support for the family of the child with the genetic disorder.

(right now, screening is only offered to people who have family histories of genetic disorders or to older parents whose children have a higher risk of being born with a genetic disorder)

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Genetic screening could give rise to 'designer babies' that have 'desirable' characters such as good looks or intelligence.

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Genetic screening may tell parents if their child has a genetic disorder but there is still no cure, so parents are put into the dilemma of having to make a decision about the life of their baby. In the future, if genetic engineering is successful, doctors and scientists might be able to repair damaged genes so that the child is born without the genetic disorder.

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this is very helpful

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