AQA GCSE Biology Unit B3 Chapter 2.4 (Anaerobic respiration)

stuffs about anaerobic respiration from the further biology work. not much there, but there isn't really much you need to know so it will do.

  • Created by: Lara
  • Created on: 20-05-10 14:00

Anaerobic respiration

Anaerobic respiration releases energy from glucose without usisng oxygen. The glucose is cut in half, giving out energy and leaving behind in the muscles a toxin called lactic acid.

glucose --> lactic acid (+ a little energy)

Muscles can only respire anaerobically for a short time

After anaerobibc respiration we breathe heavily because extra oxygen is needed to break up the lactic acid. This extra oxygen is called the oxygen debt.

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Comparing aerobic and anaerobic respiration

Both occur in mitrochondria and both produce energy for use by cells

Aerobic: glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + energy

Anaeorobic: glucose --> lactic acid + a little energy

In aerobic respiration the glucose breakdown is complete, in anaerobic it is incomplete. In aerobic respiration water is produced but in anaerobic it isn't. In aerobic respiration CO2 is produced whereas it isn't in anaerobic. In aerobic respiration lots of energy is released and in anaerobic only a little is produced. Also, aerobic respiration can continue for a long time and it can't in anaerobic.

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