AQA anthology glossary

  • Created by: tocara15
  • Created on: 21-04-20 11:54

AQA anthology glossary

Anaphora>>> repition of a word or phrase at the beginging of a sentence

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AQA anthology glossary

imperative >> extremely urgent , demoting a mood of verbs in commands

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AQA anthology glossary

semantic field >> groups of words that all go together

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AQA anthology glossary

Light Brigade>> ride on horse back only have swords

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AQA anthology glossary

stanza >> a paragraph in poetry

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AQA anthology glossary

blunder>>a stupid or careless mistake.

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AQA anthology glossary

dactylic dimeter>> stressed or unstressed word

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AQA anthology glossary

dactyl >> one stressed syllable and two unstressed

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AQA anthology glossary

dramatic monologue>> poem in the form of speech in which the person is reading

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AQA anthology glossary

caesura>> strong midline pause

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AQA anthology glossary

quatrain>>a stanza of four lines, especially one having alternate rhymes.

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