3.4 Stages of Data Analysis


3.4 Stages of Data Analysis

Identify the need
Where the objectives of any data analysis program will be set. Should be clear what is to be learnt at the end of the project.

Define Scope
Defines the restrictions on the project.

Identify potential sources
Identify a wide range of sources and ensure that the information gathered is suitable, provides enough information and is unbiased.

Source and select information
Information is gathered and the best is selected. The gathering process uses existing information.

The selection process is used to exclude any information that may not be suitable.

Select the most appropriate tools
Information may be presented in different ways. Trend analysis can be presented in many ways, attempts to present findings over time.

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3.4 Stages of Data Analysis

Process and Analyse Data
The data has been collected and is entered into software and analysed.

Record and store information
Stage at which any report into the findings is written. Includes results that have been processed.

Share results
Final stage where results are published so stakeholders can inspect them.

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