The Sociology of Suicide

Revision notes on the sociology of suicide, covering:

  • Durkheim (1897) - Correlation of high suicide rates & 4 types of suicide
  • Responses to Durkheim - Halbwachs (1930) & Gibbs and Martin (1964)
  • Interpretive theories of suicide - Douglas (1967), Baechler (1979), Dorais (2004)
  • Criticism of interpretive theory
  • Phenomenology of suicide - Atkinson (1978)
  • Criticisms of phenomenology - Hindess (1973)
  • Realist approach - Taylor ((1982, 1989, 1990)
  • Evaluation
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ali wasi


excellent however slightly more evaluation and analysis could be added. e.g validity, representative and reliability could be added or expanded.

Still brillaint and helpful