Zimbardo's study evaluation

  • Created by: Megs555
  • Created on: 22-05-17 17:21

Zimbardo's study evaluation


  • Researchers had some control over variables - guards and prisoners had roles only by chance so it was due to pressures of the situation rather than their personalities that they behaved in such a way. Control increases the internal validity.


  • Major ethical issues - Zimbardo was both lead researcher and superintendent. Issues arose when someone wanted to leave but he had to respond as a superintendent worried about the running of his prison. Limited his ability to protect them from harm.
  • Lack of realism - Banuazizi and Mohavedi suggest that pp's were play acting and were just fitting into the stereotypes of how they are supposed to act. One person said they based their guard on someone from a film. But Z's data showed that 90% of the conversation was about prison life. Stimulation seemed real to them, increasing the validity,



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