Why did Cromwell fall from power? (main arguments)


Why did Cromwell fall from power?


  • Marriage to Anne of Cleves 1539
  • Courting/marriage to Catherine Howard 1540
  • The increased influence of the Conservative/Catholic faction 1540 onwards


  • Anne of Cleves displeased Henry in her visual appearance. Henry blamed Cromwell because he was the one who sent Hans Holbein to Germany to paint Anne and it was Cromwell who had suggested the marriage. The marriage was originally planned to create an English-Hapsburg alliance, that would prevent a Catholic crusade from France and the Hapsburgs, however, Franco-Hapsburg hostilities rendered the marriage unnecessary
  • After the disastrous marriage to Anne, Henry became infatuated with Catherine Howard. This rubbed in even more as far as Cromwell was concerned because it highlighted his failure even more.
  • The marriage between Henry and Catherine Howard led to an increase in the influence of the Catholic faction, Catherine was the niece of the Duke of Norfolk and her presence at court led to the increased presence and therefore influence of Norfolk and Gardiner. they were able to convince and manipulate Henry into believing that Cromwell was trying to bring a fully Protestant church to England - this mean that Cromwell could be charged with heresy.

Overall summary

Cromwell was executed on 28th July 1540, the main cause for his execution was the increased influence of the Catholic faction at court but it could be argued that he was to blame for his own death because if the marriage to Anne of Cleves hadn't failed, Henry would have never married Catherine Howard and the Catholic faction would have never had such a prominent presence at court.There is an argument against why the failed marriage to Anne of Cleves was not the reason for Cromwell's downfall: after the failed marriage, Henry gave Cromwell the title of Earl of Essex, this was a rare award for someone without noble connections and it is unlikely that Cromwell would have been given such a title if Henry had any intentions of removing him anytime soon.


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