Was the Northern Rebellion actually a threat to Elizabeth?

  • Created by: Luciieee
  • Created on: 13-04-15 16:33

Was the Northern Rebellion actually a threat to Elizabeth?


  • 14 Nov - rebels held mass at Cathedral - would be threat to her royal prerogative as they were overtly challenging her religious settlement


  • Is authorities fear, exemplified in Sir George Bowes' letter to Sussex, really a sign they were actual threat? - panic mainly caused by fact City of Durham in danger, not because significant threat to Elizabeth posed
  • Rebels appeared rather disorganised e.g. didn't take York when it was at their mercy and fled at first sign of threat to Queen
  • Majority of plot reliant upon help from Spain e.g. hoped they would land at Hartlepool and help them relieve MQS - however, was very unlikely Philip would want to aid Francophile Mary - if she was in power, meant French would have more control over English Channel, making it harder for him to access Spanish Netherlands


The Northern Rebellion of 1569 never posed a significant threat to Elizabeth. This was because it appeared highly unlikely that the rebels would ever be able to place Mary on the throne due to their poor organisational skills and lack of support from Philip. The only threat they posed was to the royal prerogative of a Queen determined to enforce a Protestant religious settlement.r


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