UK constitution


UK constitution


  • Easily adaptable- an uncodified constitution can be amended smoothly and quickly when needed.
  • Evolution- has evolved and adapted over time therefore is not outdated or ambiguous.
  • Strong government- UK constitution provides a clear sovereign decision making authority , also the core executive is established.
  • Accountability- Strong gov = responsible gov. Government is accountable to parliament which is accountable to the citizens.


  • Lack of Clarity - not always clear when government has acted unconstitutionally. i.e conventions on ministerial responsibility are unclear. There is no constitutional court to check the power of the state and defend civil liberties.
  • concentration of power - power is dangerously at the centre. Few safeguards against the arbitrary exercise of state power. strong majority governments can force through legislation without much dispute.
  • Undemocratic? - Conventions are outdated and unclear, notably the royal prerogative. House of Lords also present an lack of democracy.


The UK constitution has strength in it adaptability and traditional status. However it fails to provide clarity and ease when it comes down to determining whether an act is unconstitutional or breeches human rights. 


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