Tsarist and Communist attitudes toward Agriculture


Tsarist and Communist attitudes toward Agriculture


  • Land distribution was an issue throughout the entire period and the rulers needed to try and control the peasantry:
  • Both communists and tsars considered agriculture to be subservient to the needs of the economy and treated rural workers as second class citizens
  • Alexander III's land captains were brought in to control peasants after 1891 famine as peasant unrest was a large concern
  • Lenin brought in War Communism
  • Stalin collectivised agriculture


  • Some rulers made some attempts to improve the conditions of the peasantry:
  • Alex II's Emancipation paved the way for reforms.
  • Stolypin brought in land reforms under Nicholas II which expanded the Peasant Land Banks but this caused issues for the tsars.
  • Lenin brought in the NEP since unrest was so widespread.
  • Khrushchev abolished Motor Tractor Stations as a part of de-stalinisation and the Virgin Land Scheme but this caused issues for farmers

Overall comparison

Land distribution was a consistent issue for the Russian leaders and many peasants were upset by the inadequate attempts at reforming land. The Emancipation left peasants with poor quality land, the 1891 famine saw the government blame lazy and intoxicated peasants for the starvation and disease. Stolypin's reforms attempted to improve peasant conditions but this just led to an increase in a class hostile toward the tsar and a decrease in farmers. Lenin's war communism and NEP showed his attempts to try and compromise with farmers. Collectivisation was seen as a second serfdom for the peasants and it caused 13,000 riots to break out with peasants killing 3,000 party officials.


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