The Women's Movement (USA 1945-70)

What impact did the women's movement leave on American society?


The Women's Movement (USA 1945-70)


  • The Women's Liberation Movement burned their bras as bras were seen as male domination
  • Betty Friedan wrote a book called 'The Feminine Mystique' which challenged the notion that women were most happy in the home
  • Eleanor Roosevelt (President Roosevelt's widow) set up a commission to investigate the status of women at work. It showed that 93% of company managers were men and that only 7% of women worked as doctors


  • Burning bras lost some support for the women's movement as some believed this act ridiculed the position of women
  • The ERA (Equality Rights Amendment) proposed to amend the outlaw of sex discrimination. This was successful
  • Even though women aimed to get more unemployment, few women managed to achieve top posts in Congress, business or industry by the end of the 1970s

Overall summary

The women's movement did help women all throughout the country as sex discrimination was outlawed, but they still did face discrimination in the workplace. Betty Friedan's book also helped recognise the tough situation of women and made people realise that they wanted to be treated as equal and not just as objects  


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