'The working class suffered because of Industrialisation 1832-1846'. Assess this view.


'The working class suffered because of Industrialisation 1832-1846'. Assess this view.


  • Irish famine 1845 - potato crop failures and prices pushed up = mass starvation.
  • Wages - e.g.- hand-loom weavers earned 25 shillings a week, but in the 1830s it went down to 4 shillings & 6 pence.
  • Poor Law - no help for people earning low wages/being exploited or anyone unemployed.


  • Railways - 300,000 navvies were employed in the railway industry at the end of 1846.
  • Removing tariffs - trade revived, exports increased, unemployment and prices fell.
  • POLITICAL - lack of w/class vote = suffering. Chartist movement.
  • Sanitation - Royal Commission of Health of Towns 1843, to verify Chadwick's report on sanitation = improved sanitation in towns.
  • Better working hours for women and children, e.g.- Factory Act 1844
  • POLITICAL - lack of reforms -  Whigs slowed down and the reforms they passed didn't help (Factory Act limited wages coming into house.



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