


  • 1. Henry VII was already quite popular to the populace. In 1485 he went in London to meet with the Lord Mayor and the London crowd were cheering and celebrating for the new monarch as they wanted anybody but Richard to be king due to his supposed crimes (princes in the tower.)
  • 2. Dated back his reign to the day before the Battle of Bosworth (21st of August 1485) to be rid of Richards supporters
  • 3. Publicly rewarded those who stood by him knighting 11 of them/ awarding them with the Order of the Gartor which was more of an honorary title, didn't give you land through. (avioding an arising fraction in court)
  • 4. Captured Yorkist claimants such as Elizabeth of York and Edward IV's nephew
  • 5. His coronation was before his first parliament (30th of October) to show that the Crown is his hereditary right and he doesn't need parliament's approval.
  • 6. Married Elizabeth of York daughter of Edward IV in 1486 after his coronation to show that his claim was legitimate and not because of her. It was also used as propaganda to unify the houses of York and Lancaster creating the Tudor Rose.
  • 7. AN HEIR! - in 1489 Elizabeth and Henry welcomed a son, Arthur Tudor.
  • 8. Passed the parlimentary Act of Attainder against Yorkist who fought for Richard during the Battle of Bosworth making them forefit their land to the Crown which increased royal income and made Henry VII head of custom revenues of tonnage and poundage.
  • 9. First rebellion against him: 1486 Viscount Lovell and Staffords - Richard III support (Francis Viscount Lovell and Humprey Stafford) tired to get support from Richard III's heartland North Riding but it was a flop Lovell escaped but Stafford was executed - rebellion had no significance as it was easily surpressed making Henry look good as heck.
  • 10. Lambert Simnel rebellion (1487) was defeated with the help of the Earl of Northumberland (yorkist) in order to neturalise the threat of the yorkist family the Howards joining Lambert Simnel as they were relating to Northumberland.
  • 11. Battle of Stoke (1487) - was the last battle to do with the Wars of the Roses (henry won due to his organisational skills and military leadership and help from landowners) this helped consolidate him further. In the battle the Earl of Lincoln (a Yorkist claimant) was killed.
  • 12. Perkin Warbeck imposture - as he became a pest gaining attention from foreign powers, Henry created a treaty with James I of Scotland who would marry Henry's daughter Margaret so he could no longer protect Warbeck and he made an alliance :)
  • 13. 1490 - Warbeck and Simnel were both executed.
  • 14. Created the Treaty of Windsor in 1506 making Burgundy and England mates so they could no longer protect Yorkist claimants such as the Earl of Suffolk and he was sent to the Tower of London but was executed in 1513 by Henry VIII.


  • 1. However, Henry was still a Lancasterian and was still hated by the Yorkist who called him a usuper. One of his most powerful  enemies being Margaret of Burgandy sister of Edward IV and Richard III - she funded Yorkist claimants in attempt to remove Henry.
  • 2. Create Yorkist enemies
  • 12. Still had Richard's supporters in court such as the Earl of Northumberland and Sir William Stanley (Lord Chamberlain)
  • 14. The de la Poles were still somewhat at large towards the end and after his reign - Earl of Suffolk wasn't executed in 1513  by Henry VIII so there was still a risk similar to Richard de la Pole who was killed in 1525 at battle so he was still a threat even into Henry VIII's reign.
  • 12. Perkin Warbeck was just seen as a pest at first however when he started gaining attention from foreign powers that what transformed him from a pest to a real problem. It highlighted Henry's weak image in the eyes of other foreign powers.


To conclude , Henry's attempts at consolidation were more successful than not. He married a Yorkist ending the Wars of the Roses, defeated the Yorkist at the Battle of Stroke killing a Yorkist claimant (Earl of Lincoln) - produced an heir quickly after marriage, created alliances with Scotland and Burgundy - defeated his first rebellion very successful and created the pretenders. He did A LOT to consolidate however, Henry still didn't get rid of the other Yorkist claimants like Richard de la Pole or Earl of Suffolk the even threated his son Henry VIII's reign. He also had Yorkist in court with threatened him significantly  particularly during Perkin Warbeck's escapades with William Stanley it also highlighted his lack of foreign support.  


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