The Social Impact of hyperinflation


The Social Impact of hyperinflation


  • Black-markateers who bought up food stocks and sold them at vastly inflated prices
  • Those who had debts, mortgages and loans because the currency was worthless
  • Enterprising business people who took out loans and repaid them once the currency had devalued further
  • Owners of foreign exchange and foreigners living in Germany could also benefit
  • Most farmers coped well since food was in demand and money was less important in rural communities


  • Pensioners
  • People that lent money to the government in wartime by purchasing fixed interest rate 'war bonds' also lost out because the interest payments decreased in value
  • Landlords reliant on fixed rents were hit badly
  • Unskilled workers and those that didnt belong to trade unions. Although workers were given wage increases these did not keep up with rising prices.
  • the Mittlestand
  • The siclk


It hit the vulnerable worst and left those who had the ability to take out loand=s and make money moves with the most money. 


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