Social Influence and Change

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 05-05-18 14:25

Social Influence and Change


  • SE - Nolan et al 2008 found when energy consumption messages were placed on doors in San Diego, every week for a month, there was a significant decrease in energy usage, supports NSI.
  • SE - Burgoon 1995 argued it is the deviant and unexpected behaviours of minorities that are alerting and arousing which lead to deeper level analysis of behaviour and ideas presented.


  • Methodological Issues - Research into social change has been influenced by Moscovici, Asch and Milgram. However, these all have methodological issues, raising doubt about the validity.
  • Boomerang Effect - Schultz et al 2007 found where a social norm campaign was effective in getting heavy energy users to use less electricity, also caused low users to increase their usage.
  • Barriers to social change - people often resist social change because they do not want to be associated with stereotypes.



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