Similarities and Difference between the Tsar and Lenin's rule.


Similarities and Difference between the Tsar and Lenin's rule.


  • Secret Police - Tsar Nicholas the 2nd used his own secret police called the Ohkrana; agents worked undercover, infiltrating organisations and groups which might present a danger to the Tsar. Yet, Lenin used a police force in a much more brutal way and they were called the Cheka. If peasants failed to meet grain requisition quotas, they would be publicly executed and left as an example to others.
  • Loyal Lieutenants - Nicholas had a few right hand men in a sense, however, one in particular had a significant influence in Russia at the end of his reign, this was Rasputin. He was seen as a holy man after apparently curing the Tsars poorly son who had a blood defect. Lenin also had loyal advisers and they would later go on to rule Russia. They were, Stalin and Trotsky.
  • Repression
  • Starvation - Both leaders struggled to get food out to the central cities quick enough as the peasants had bad harvests meaning those living in Petrograd etc, were starving.
  • Measures against the peasants - both campaigned to treat the peasants fairly but failed miserable. Both leaders were oppressive and sucked as much as they could out of the peasants if they didn't get what they wanted, the peasants would suffer brutality.
  • Economic Reform - Lenin introduced the New Economic Policy (NEP) which allowed peasants who had been forced to hand over all their produce to the war effort - were allowed to keep some to sell for profit - some (the kulaks) became quite rich. Small traders called Nepmen were allowed to set up businesses. The Tsar introduced Sergei Witte, and under his control, the industry grew massively.
  • Moulded government to make it less democratic
  • Democratic promises unfulfilled
  • Attempt on lives - Both leaders had a fair few assassination attempts until one leader had their life shortened and the other passed naturally.


  • Lenin gained political power through his party, however, Nicholas gained power through his family. Lenin used the Bolshevik party to his advantage when he returned to Russia of which he managed to storm the Provisional Government and take over immediately. Nicholas gained power through the Romanov family who reigned for over 200 years.
  • Attitude to leadership - Lenin was born to lead, however, the Tsar didn't want the responsibility of manning Russia and was 100% more interested in spending time with his family and their pets.
  • End of lives - Tsar Nicholas the Second was assassinated along with the remainder of the Romanov family to prevent them ever being reinstated as ruler of Russia. They were all shot in Ipatiev House. Lenin on the other hand, died from a stroke later on in his life.
  • Lenin for a more brutal approach - Lenin used force brutality to gain control and order among the public, but especially with the peasants. His famous speech when he returned to Russia promised 'all power to the Soviets' yet the peasants were forced to hand over their produce for little to nothing and if there was any disagreement, the whole compound would be tortured and murder.
  • Nicholas = same concessions
  • Lenin = no concessions
  • Lenin delegated military responsibility whereas Nicholas did it for himself

Overall comparison

Overall, both leaders were very similar with how they used their power. They promised it for good, but it turned sour and eventually was used for evil. Both leaders obviously thought that economic reform was important of which Lenin did a somewhat good job at, by freeing the peasants of their horrible existence. Even though there are some differences, most are to do with their own personal life, not how they gained and used their power. Therefore, both leaders, Lenin and Tsar the Nicholas the Second were extremely similar with how they ran Russia.


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