



  • Sheila is originally described as "very pleased with life and rather excited" which is a "typical" description of a girl at the time who should only be thinking about things like getting married and nothing important.
  • At the start of the play she refers to her parents as "mummy" and "daddy" which is immature for a girl in her 20's.
  • She shows signs of going against the typical expectations of women at the time with the stage directions "(cutting in)" when she interrupts Mr Birling in order to speak to the inspector rather than have Mr Birling talk to the inspector for her.
  • Shelia's role in the play is to show the change that Priestley wanted the younger generation of the time to go through.
  • He wanted people to start to accept responsibility for their actions and be prepared for the consequences rather that pass blame onto other people or only look after themselves in these situations.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Sheila shows signs of change by beginning to call her parents "mum" and "dad" rather than "mummy" and "daddy" which shows a change in her maturity from the start of the play to the end.
  • Sheila also shows change by saying to Gerald "we are not the same people who sat down at dinner." This shows a change in her because we see that she understands that she can't be with Gerald anymore because of what he has done and she is not willing to take him back like she would have been expected to do.
  • Sheila is the character who is the most understanding of the Inspector and discovers early on that he already knows what they have all done to contribute to the suicide of Eva Smith.
  • The quote "mother - I begged you and begged you to stop -" shows that she knew that Eric was going to be found to be the father of the baby because she now understood the inspector more than anyone.


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