Schaffer & Emerson Glasgow Babies

  • Created by: jessmitch
  • Created on: 21-09-13 16:22

Schaffer & Emerson Glasgow Babies


  • Gives a mothers point of view of their child's progress in attachment,
  • Was a longitudinal study so will have a wide range of results and findings.
  • A field study so it was quite high in ecological validity and mundane realism.
  • Gives other factors other than food being the main source of attachment,


  • Mothers had to report back to the researchers so may not have been truthful of their babies progress.
  • Social Desirability Bias is a risk factor of this study.
  • Cannot be generalized to all infants.
  • Does not support the role of food coming into attachment.
  • Unreliable as mothers may have lied and did not want to accept that their baby may have only been attached to them because of food.


This study is unreliable as it is not performed in a controlled environment but is conducted in the child's home. This shows a lack of control and cannot be generalized to all children as all the babies used came from the same working class home. Also, mothers may have lied to achieve social desirability bias among others.  


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