Resistance to social influence

  • Created by: amm242
  • Created on: 27-04-18 12:44

Resistance to social influence


  • P = Research support for resistance to conformity
  • E = Allen and Levine found that conformity decreased when there was a dissenterin an Asch-type study.  It decreased even if the dissenter claimed to have sight problems.
  • E = The dissenter lifted to pressure of having to conform to the majority
  • L = Therefore, this evidence shows that having social support is important in being able to deviate from the majority view.
  • P= Research support for resistance to obedience
  • E = Gamson et al. found higher levels of independent behaviour than Milgram did, because his participants were in groups.
  • E = This is because they were able to support each other in going against orders.
  • L = Therefore, this shows that peer support is linked to greater resistance.
  • P = Research supports the link between LOC and resistance to obedience.
  • E = Holland repeated the Milgram study and measured whether the participants were internals or externals.  37% of internals didn't continue to the highest shock level, but only 23% of externals didn't continue.
  • E = Internals showed greater resistance than externals.
  • L = Therefore, this support increases the validity of the LOC explanation and increases our confidence that it can explain resistance


  • P =  The role of LOC in resisting social influence may be exaggerated.
  • E = Rotter found LOC is only important in new situations.  Familiar situations are influenced more by previous experiences.
  • E = People who have obeyed in the past are more likely to obey again in a similar situation, even if they have a high internal LOC.
  • L = Therefore, this means the LOC can only explain a narrow range of new situations.



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