quality of life


quality of life


  • Basic human right to have control of ending your life
  • Advances in medicine have led to people being kept alive who would have previously died. these people should have the right to die.
  • free will think it is ethically wrong to keep someone alive who has no hope of recovery
  • teaching of jesus on 'loving your neighbour' can be used to justify assisted suicide, because it might be the most loving to do.
  • we don't let animals suffer so why humans?
  • people have a right to refuse medical treatment, so why not a right to ask for euthanasia?
  • people with terminal illnesses want to control when they die so that they can die with dignity.


  • Life is created by God. So it is up to God and not humans when people die
  • if Euthanasia is legallised the impetus to research into terminal illness is reduced
  • people feel pressured into euthanasia necause they feel like a burden on society.
  • short step from volunt.ary to compulsory euthanasia.
  • the role of the doctors is to support life and not to destroy it
  • people might change their minds about wanting to die
  • all life is special and should be worthy of protection.



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