psycho dynamic theory

  • Created by: parris
  • Created on: 31-05-14 11:39

psychodynamic theory


  • Unlike the behavioural approach this approach gets to the root cause of peoples problems. The process often involves taking the clients back to their childhood  experiences and exploring their unconscious mind.
  • Secondly the psycho - dynamic approach is effective as it gives the client insight into why they think or feel the way they do. This allows the client to think about and change many aspects of their lives - not just single pieces of surface behaviour like the behavioural approach.


  • Despite this approach being widely used in health and social care setting;it is deterministic. In other ways it assumes that human beings have little control over how we behave. The psycho-dynamic approach sees us as being the product of early childhood experiences that are unconscious and therefore not aware of.
  • In addition therapy can be time consuming as it can take a while for a client to undercover their personal experiences and find underlying causes to their problems. Overall a client may need more than 2 sessions which can be expensive.


- Gets to the root of peoples problems e.g. taking client back to childhood experiences , exploring unconscious mind. - Gives client insight into why they think or feel the way they do. - Deterministic (assumes we have little control over how we behave, we are product of childhood experiences that are unconscious and not aware of). - time consuming and expensive. 


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