Multi-store model of memory


Multi-store model of memory


  • There is supporting experimental research by Baddeley which supports the claims we code information acoustically.
  • there is some supporting evidence from case studies such as the case of H.M. He had brain surgery to alleviate the symptoms of epilepsy which involved removing large portions of the frontal lobe. this resulted in him being unable to recall old memories from his LTM, while his STM stayed unaffected.


  • The supporting evidence is criticised as the studies have low ecological validity because experiments take place in lab settings which are artificial
  • There is contradictory case study evidence from the case of Clive Wearing. Clive can remember hardly any of his life before 1985, despite this, he still recalls how to play the piano and conduct a choir.


The supporting evidence suggests that the model is valid in claiming that the all information travels in a linear fashion in stating that rehearsal is needed to transfer information from STM to LTM. However the fact that the supporting evidence has low ecological validity means that the findings may not be able to be generalised to real-life. Furthermore, the case of Clive Wearing shows that the LTM and STM may not actually be separate stores and may actually contain sub-components which are responsible for processing different types of information. 


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