Maud's Communication of Intention Final

  • Created by: jxssrules
  • Created on: 12-03-18 12:03


My interpretation: vocal and physical communication

  • Emotional
  • Regretful
  • Reluctant
  • Polite
  • Sweet
  • Spiritual
  • Evangelical desire
  • Enticing
  • Strong viewpoints, a conviction that things will be okay
  • '123'



  • Maud might want to help Marianne because she recognizes her vulnerability and pain in herself. Maybe herself before she found belief. Often it is this simple ‘truth’ that gives people the evangelical desire to convert others.
  • Marianne and Maud face off with what seem irreconcilable viewpoints but the more they look at each other the more Marianne recognizes that Maud possesses what she needs; namely comfort, security, warmth, a conviction that things will be ok. This attraction is not about God. It is an attraction to anything that can fulfill those needs. It is more about need than belief.
  • Host
  • Weird, spiritual couple
  • Peace-keeper 'Why don't we all just calm down'
  • Gives hope to Joff and Marianne
  • Makes them believe something, that their daughter can be 'healed', but much more
  • The offering of the drugs to a susceptible Joff was always going to be significant.
  • It is the need of Marianne and Joff that makes them engage and invest so heavily in a world they have, up until this point, ridiculed. They need comfort. They need to know that everything is not their fault. They need to find happiness for themselves and for Grace. Maud and Ollie promise this. That has got to be attractive!


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