Luther's Attempts at Reform 1517-21


Luther's Attempts at Reform 1517-21


  • The Scandel over Indulgences- in 1514 a sale of indulgences was commisioned for the building of St Peter's Basillica in Rome. The profits were to be split between Pope Leo X and the Archbishop of Mainz, who was heavily in debt. This sale of indulgences enraged Luther this caused him, after preaching against indulgences, on the 31st of October he wrote the 95 Theses against the the indulgences, he may have nailed them to the chruch at Wittenburg


  • Luther timed it perfectly, the first two dyas in november had a particular focus for the CAtholic churhc and the buying of indulgencews were at a high. the theses were spread to the archbishop of Mainz with a letter. the Church was alarmed by Luther's protest at the sale of indulgences because it affected powerful people in the church. they were worried about the finacial effects that this controversy could be have. Theologians were worried about the religious implications.
  • for the German people they were further examples of the evils of influence from an Italian Pope.
  • The Archbishop of Mainz sent a file of his writings to the Pope, he recognised the issues but approved that Luther's order the Augustines could deal with the threat.
  • this led the augustines to support Luther. so the pope orders him to come to Rome, luther declined after what happened with Jan Hus.
  • consequently the Pope decided that the issues should be settled in Germany, he asked Prierias to created a case against Luther, Luther distanced himself from the orthodox view by making disagreeing with the case made against him. An imperial Diet was called in Augsburg in 1518 to reconcile Luther to the Church or arrest him.
  • the Elector of Saxony, Frederick of Saxony was able to ensure Luther safe conduct to and from the Diet

Overall summary

Luthers 95 These's was his first step to dividing from the Catholic Church to form the Lutheran one, due to this controversy the were a series of debates and Diets running from 1518 to 1521 before the spread of the Lutheran church.


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