Lloyd George coalition policies


Lloyd George coalition policies


  • successfully had severe terms for Germany at the treaty of versailles- restrictions on German fleet and Germany's colonies distributed amongst the allies and to be ruled under mandates
  • immediate post war boom encouraged gov to think reforms could be afforded
  • 1918- maternity and child welfare act (increased maternity benefits)
  • 1919- national insurance act- compulsory health care to those earning up to £250
  • 1919 coal mines act- garunteed 7 hour day
  • addison housing act- local authorities build 70,000 houses with low rates each year, building subsided with £260 per house and 213000 were built


  • mandate brought problems for Britain ( Africa administration and defence costs more than brought in economic benefits and Japan receiving pacific islands increased nationalism and expansion which meant British colonies in east Asia needed to be defended)
  • peace treaty caused problems- France Italy and Japan didn't get everything they wanted so was unsatisfied, Britain was major part of LoN which had no real authority (lack of support from USA), they were obliged to support the league despite it not guaranteeing peace e.g. when France took over the Ruhr in 1923 LoN wasn't able to stop it
  • Chanak affair- September 1922 there was a war scare between Britain and turkey, LG seen as pro war and tried to rally the conservatives but it back fired and was very unpopular with the public and many conservative MPs
  • rise of Japan - Britain forced out of 1902 Japan treaty by USA, forced to sign new treaty were US-dominated and all powers reduced it presence in the Pacific and maintained fixed ration of 5-5-3 (USA, Britain, Japan)
  • tried to stop the revolution in Russia but failed and pulled out when it was clear the whites had little chance of winning- involvement was pressured as Lenin withdrew from war and execution of the royal family
  • gaddes Axe - February 1922, recommended £87 million in cuts, gov aimed to cut £57 million- mainly defence education, health, housing, unemployment and pensions
  • social policies began to unravel e.g. house subsidies were cut


failure- many plans for reconstruction and reform abandoned due to economic problems, rising unemployment and resentment that war had not led to a better Britain, failure to stop France, withdrawal from Russia, bullied out of treaty with Japan by the USA made Britain look weak success- had been a social reform, successful demilitarise of 4 million men, no violent revolution like Russia Germany and Italy, many glad to see the end of government control


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