
  • Created by: Cat91
  • Created on: 13-10-20 11:09



  • They are unbiased.
  • More likely to consider personal struggles.
  • Free of charge.
  • 12 of them. More diverse/representive.
  • Uninfluenced from outside. Can give publicly unpopular opinions but they wouldn’t know until after the trial.
  • Jury equity - they aren’t bound by the law and make choices based on their morals.
  • They don’t have to stay for long.
  • Public confidence, keeps state power in check.


  • Can take time to gather.
  • Hard in overly publicised cases.
  • Not legally qualified.
  • More formal/intimidating.
  • Jury tampering.
  • Jury themselves might be uncomfortable.
  • Discriminatory bias.
  • Media influence.
  • Complex cases that non-professionals wouldn’t understand. (Fraud)
  • High acquittal rates. (60% of cases get acquitted). Judge often the one to make that case. On paper weakness but in practice not.
  • Perverse decisions - they go against the facts of the case.
  • Secrecy, we don’t know how and why the jury reached their conclusion and ergo we don’t know if there was a bias.
  • The internet. It’s illegal for jurors to look up information relating to the case.



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