Juma Sustainable Forest Reserve (SFR)

  • Created by: Rose356
  • Created on: 10-06-19 14:43

Juma Sustainable Forest Reserve (SFR)


  • 60% of the forest would've gone by 2050
  • Protects a large area which supports carnivores and other large primates
  • The Bolsa Floresta payments have increased incomes ($28 given per month if they agree not to deforest the area)
  • The funding has trained people in sustainable farming, given clean water and solar panels and built 7 new schools.
  • To create more income, ecotourism is being developed


  • The project may stop, if the donations from companies (eg. Marriott Hotels) stop being given
  • The reserve manager receives $25,000 per year whereas, the families only receive $1 per day
  • The locals don't have a right to use the products from the forest
  • Illegal logging could continue because the area is large which makes it hard to police and prevent people from doing so


The project is a good idea that gives money to the locals. It protects 21 different species. However, it uses bribery to ensure that the locals don't cut down the forest, by giving them one of their basic needs - they take way the wood and give them money. 


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