Juliet analysis

Juliet Capulet character analysis.


Relationships with others

 Techniques deployed to characterise Juliet

  • Romeo: is Juliet's lover who falls for her at first sight. He is forward, romantic, poetic, impulsive and passionate.
  • Lord Capulet: is initially portrayed as kind and affectionate but loses it when Juliet refuses to marry Paris. He insults and threatens her, parodying her and mocking heartlessly.
  • Paris: is the intended husband for Juliet. At first Juliet is willing to consider him, but he's soon eclipsed by Romeo.
  • Lady Capulet: has a very formal relationship with Juliet, and leaves the parenting to Lord Capulet. She does attempt to protect Juliet from her father's rage, but eventually sides with him; rejecting the female solidarity Juliet seeks, probably because of the patriarchal nature of society.
  • Nurse: is the key friend to Juliet, acting as a surrogate mother. She transgresses for Juliet but once her parents try to force her to marry Paris their previously close relationship breaks apart.
  • Shakespeare uses juxtaposition to contrast their characters.
  • Shakespeare uses dramatic irony during the 'balcony' scene, where Nurse won't tell Juliet about Romeo's murder.
  • Juliet uses direct, literal language; oxymorons; antitheses when struggling with internal conflict.
  • Shakespeare uses a sonnet when Romeo and Juliet meet, to show their love.

Act 3

Act 1 & 2

  • Juliet loves the black - good, secret. This also represents she's burdened and capricious.
  • explicit sexual references; lust
  • outside of society
  • tragic element is introduced
  • internal conflict: confused-> husband vs cousin
  • fluctuations in mood and reversals jarringly remind of adolescence
  • malign operation of fate
  • wedding night; clandestine
  • pessimistic
  • family conflict: tensions beneath the surface
  • apprehensive/ impatient; accentuates adolescence
  • riddling (double meaning) p 133
  • scared and emotional; appeals to mother
  • appeals to Nurse: sense of fate as the relationship crumbles.
  • willing to check out Paris but she's reserved: judicious when approached by Romeo, she holds firm -> verbally dextrous
  • sensible but passionate
  • mutually attracted to Romeo
  • Juliet is innocent, prudent and cautious; only 13
  • formal relationship with mother BUT close to the nurse.
  • sheltered: can't have input in parents' plans for Paris
  • Juliet is transgressive and prepared to rewrite her identity.
  • practical/realistic
  • love mediated by danger
  • pragmatic: arranges wedding
  • sincere
  • niesse -> unfledged hawk
  • indulges in rule-breaking
  • sarcastic; delaying of Nurse


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