‘It is difficult for christian migrants to assimilate into Christian churches’ A02


‘It is difficult for christian migrants to assimilate into Christian churches’ A02


  • The dependence of the willingness of the congregation and its leader to make the effort
  • Catholic Churches are being critical for not supporting immigrants enough, especially with language barriers
  • The assimilation process is not happening because migrants find it easier to join the newer smaller churches that are based around what they knew at their past church
  • The church services are different
  • David Goodhew notes church decline is greater in poorer areas as their is a lack of immigration


  • Bible verses on immigration
  • The catholic practice is the same in most countries due to the liturgical worship
  • The archbishop of west minister said ‘the energy of the Christian’s in particular coming to a western, weary secularised culture is giving new hope’


It is easier to argue that it is hard to assimilate to Christianity churches because there are many issues surround Christianity and migrants wit how they adapt to new churches, although the rise in Pentecostal churches suggests that they can find a lifestyle within them.


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