Haemoglobin and Collagen


Haemoglobin and Collagen


  • Both are polypeptides formed from amino acid monomers.
  • Both have peptide bonds formed in condensation reactions.


  • Haemoglobin has a prosthetic haem group that contains iron to bond with oxygen, collagen has no prosthetic groups.
  • Haemoglobin is a globular protein with hydrophobic groups turned towards the inside of the molecule and hydrophilic groups turned towards the inside, collagen is a fibrous protein.
  • Hb is 4 polypeptide chains, collagen is 3 chains.
  • Collagen has a structural role in the body; tendons, bones, cartilage, connective tissue. Haemoglobin has a metabolic role in transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • Hb forms balls of chains in a globular structure, whereas collagen has a helix rope like structure.
  • Hb is soluble, collagen insoluble.

Overall comparison


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